Stone Ground Organic Corn Flour

Our line of USDA Certified Organic stone-ground corn flour is gluten-free. Our corn flour is whole-grain, and the earthy, sweet aroma of this oil-rich corn product is something that cannot be purchased at the grocery store. This freshly-ground product is not the sort of product that can last forever on the grocery store shelf. Since we mill our corn flour from organic whole-kernel corn, the oil-rich corn germ makes its way into the four. The result is a remarkable corn flavor. Due to the high oil content in our corn flours, I recommend storing it in the freezer to maintain freshness and avoid rancidity. This applies to any whole-grain milled products that you may have to store awhile. I have found it isn't necessary to defrost my products before you use them, so this is a minimally inconvenient way to make your purchase last.

At The Congaree Milling Company, we don't process wheat, barley, rye or any other of theĀ grains associated with gluten allergies. Additionally, our seed house doesn't handle any of these celiac allergen-containing grains either. Choose from our selection of white, yellow, blue, and roasted corn flours.

Corn flour is somewhat like cornmeal, but much more fine. Corn four makes great cornbread like its coarser relative cornmeal, with a much less gritty texture. Great for hoecakes, johnnycakes, cornmeal pancakes, spoonbreads, corn dodgers, and as a blend for gluten-free baking. Of course, this product is exceptional as a base for breading fish fillets or any other meat or vegetables for frying.

Here is a recipe for hoecakes (a rustic southern food with a rich history) that is easy to make with a few ingredients.